

Find Your Perfect Place

Rest assurred, all of the places you’ll find here are very carefully chosen based on our strict criteria—and that has zero to do with a budget. In many cases, these are places that we have personally stayed, or we know the people running the property and feel you are in good hands. If it’s here, we have no qualms about recommending these exceptional places to stay to our clients.

Our criteria includes things like the ambiance, value, level of attention to detail, location, and pleasant surprises. We think about pillows and bedding, your comfort, amenities, etc. We also consider the locale and what you can expect. For instance, some people think you can you expect a true 5 star in the middle of the jungle (sometimes you can) or to find a $25.00 a night room in Singapore that doesn’t suck. We don’t look for things that are based on price one way or the other. We look for special, and a cut above. But hey, just because you don’t see something here doesn’t mean that we can’t book it for a trip or that it might not be the perfect place for you. If you know of a special place, fill us in!

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